
Upanishads teachings and Quantum Physics research

Ancient sages, through inward focus and meditation, discovered the true nature of existence, the Atman (soul), God (Brahman), and the Universe. They realized that Brahman is the singular reality manifesting in every Atman and throughout the Universe, both immanent and transcendent. What we perceive as reality is an illusion, termed Maya, which conceals the true nature and shows various forms, similar to bubbles on water or waves in the ocean. Initially, Western science viewed these concepts as superstition, but advancements in quantum physics are bringing scientists closer to understanding these Upanishadic ideas. At a deeper level, there is one universal existence manifesting in various forms and the physical universe. Quantum physics reveals that particles like electrons display both particle-like and wave-like properties, challenging classical notions of solid, distinct objects. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle suggests fundamental indeterminacy in nature. Quantum entang
                     Way of life  for Happy , healthy life / Retired Life I was attending Sneha Milana program of Canara bank retirees Association at Bangalore on Karnataka Rajyotsava day. Shri.Rohit Chakratirtha , noted writer, was the chief guest. Delivering his talk on "How to lead happy retired life" , he rightly mentioned that he being a young person,  it is like a unmarried person explaining how to give birth to a baby  to one who has already given birth to ten children. He with all humility mentioned that he will explain his thought process and what scriptures , life stories of others show us the way. The essence of  his discussion was around life stories of a few late achievers. He mentioned about a survey conducted on On those nearing their end , where 99% expressed dissatisfaction about the life they led and mentioned they did not find or achieve purpose in life. Then he went on explaining the achievers who achieved great success after 60. A person , at the age of 9
                                                                 Life is a Celebration   Saturday afternoon we were with Ujjivan ( Best of West) award celebrations at Union Territory of Daman. It was fabulous. Meticulously planned , flawless and hugely entertaining event. Five hours of entertainment and excitement packed program, inspiring and enthusing. The team took us to a different world all together forgetting every other aspect of the world and life. Achievers were awarded, cheered by leaders and juniors alike. Then we had non stop four hours dance program , the drums made everyone to jump on their feet and dance to the tune irrespective of cadre, gender. This awakened the spiritual quotient in me realising how beautiful this life is . In these eight hours if hundreds of people can forget every worry, tension , hatred , jealous and be in an eternal bliss, why not we able to continue this state of mind perennially. This is possible when we make every moment a celebration. That rem

Wish you a very Happy , Prosperous New Year 2022

Year 2021 is behind us. Post March 2022 , we will be entering plava nama samvatsara which sails us through all turbulence faced in last two years of Vikari(Turbulance) and sharvari ( darkness) samvatsaras. Great time is ahead, from darkness to light. Let us prepare for benefitting from the good times by being " be good and do good" . That is the way to God.  Following are the seven sutras for success , happiness and peace as per ancient Indian teachings , primarily Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita , the celestial song of teaching from God to Man ( Krishna to Arjuna , when Arjuna completely surrenders to Krishna in despair  and his mind was ready to accept the teachings of Lord Krishna)     alone is enough for one to reach the heights of Glory, happiness, peace , success. Name it and you get it. Wish you and your family and well-wishers a Great, Happy and Successful year 2022. Love Thyself: First step towards success and happiness is self love.   Realize that
 Teachings from Gita for success  and happiness The most sacred of the knowledge sources for perfect life , success and leadership is Bhagavad Gita. Great achievers have drawn their knowledge and strength from this. While it has 18 chapters and 700 slokas , a few slokas are important giving the essence of teachings of almighty and others are explanations and support paragraphs. By contemplating on these major paras , we can easily understand the essence of the teachings of the Gita for implementation in our day to day life. The Method advised by Krishan is also shravana, Mananna and Nodhidhyasana. Listen or read, internalise the same through constant practice.  here we will take 4 slokas from chapter -2 which itself is enough for leading a perfect , happy , successful life. keep on doing actions without bothered about the outcome and not attached to the sensual pleasures and pain.    This becomes easy when we further explore and understand the teaching of me being differecnt from all t

Simple Method in Bhagavad Gita for Uplifting oneself/success:

  Simple Method in Bhagavad Gita for Uplifting oneself/success:   In our journey of life, we come across those who support our elevation and also those who push us towards destruction. We will be pulled by the “pleasant” masquerading like “good”. There are those who claim that lot of events, achievements in one’s or others life is only because of them. In katopanishad, Yama explains this to Nachiketa, as under: “The good is one thing, the pleasant another; these two, having different objects, chain a man. It is well with him who clings to the good; he who chooses the pleasant, perishes.”     When one reflects on his life, he will realise this. That reminded me Lord Krishna’s words in Geeta “ uddharedaatmanaatmaanam”   let us look at a few verses from Bhagavad Gita explaining this phenomena.   Chapter 6, verse 5 uddharedaatmanaatmaanam naatmaanamavasaadayet | aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatmanaha ||   Uplift yourself by yourself, do not deprecate yours

When you will relax?

  When you will  relax? Yesterday I was travelling in my car with family to visit Lakshmi Narasimha temple at Sholinghur. The temple is known for its deity Narasimha blessing the devotees with health, wealth and peace and fulfils their prayers. We have to climb 1300 steps and full of Monkeys on the way. It was really a relaxation for mind and good exercise for body. While returning, my 10 th standard studying son mentioned to me something that his teacher told them in the class, on the following lines. “ I want to hit that person who told me in my college that struggle hard for four years and get good job. “ Life ban jaayega “. You can relax whole life thereafter. I find that happy days were the days enjoyed in school and college. After joining job , I am working day and night for the organization . Boss is not happy whatever you do as expectation is unrealistic. Colleagues try to put me down and show in bad light to project themselves as great heroes, to please the Boss. At ho