Teachings from Gita for success  and happiness

The most sacred of the knowledge sources for perfect life , success and leadership is Bhagavad Gita. Great achievers have drawn their knowledge and strength from this. While it has 18 chapters and 700 slokas , a few slokas are important giving the essence of teachings of almighty and others are explanations and support paragraphs. By contemplating on these major paras , we can easily understand the essence of the teachings of the Gita for implementation in our day to day life. The Method advised by Krishan is also shravana, Mananna and Nodhidhyasana. Listen or read, internalise the same through constant practice. 

here we will take 4 slokas from chapter -2 which itself is enough for leading a perfect , happy , successful life. keep on doing actions without bothered about the outcome and not attached to the sensual pleasures and pain.  This becomes easy when we further explore and understand the teaching of me being differecnt from all these body ,mind and senses. I am the one operating through these instruments and they are all controlled by me. I am the chidananda roopa , Shiva, the God. Sankhya and Yoga are explained by krishna for this .

karmany-evadhikaras te ma phaleshu kadachana
ma karma-phala-hetur bhur ma te sango ’stvakarmani

You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction.(2-47)

duhkheshv-anudvigna-manah sukheshu vigata-sprihah
vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah sthita-dhir munir uchyate

One whose mind remains undisturbed amidst misery, who does not crave for pleasure, and who is free from attachment, fear, and anger, is called a sage of steady wisdom. ( 2-56)

dhyāyato vihayān pusa sagas tehūpajāyate
gāt sañjāyate kāma kāmāt krodho ’bhijāyate

krodhād bhavati sammoha sammohāt smiti-vibhrama
iti-bhranśhād buddhi-nāśho buddhi-nāśhāt praaśhyati

While contemplating on the objects of the senses , one develops attachment to them. Attachment leads to desire, from desire if fulfilled arises greed, as Desire is never eliminated by satiating it , if desire not fulfilled  anger arises. From anger follows delusion, from delusion failure of memory, the loss of understanding, from loss of understanding he perishes. But , one who controls the mind and is free from attachment and aversion, even while using the objects of the senses , attains the Grace of God. ( 2-62-63)

 let us constantly keep these thoughts in mind and achieve happiness , success and leadership. 

#success #leadership #Yoga #knowledge #Bhagavadgita #krishna #spirituality #philosophy


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