Wish you a very Happy , Prosperous New Year 2022
Year 2021 is behind us. Post March 2022 , we will be entering plava nama samvatsara which sails us through all turbulence faced in last two years of Vikari(Turbulance) and sharvari ( darkness) samvatsaras. Great time is ahead, from darkness to light.
Let us prepare for benefitting from the good times by being " be good and do good" . That is the way to God.
Following are the seven sutras for success , happiness and peace as per ancient Indian teachings , primarily Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita , the celestial song of teaching from God to Man ( Krishna to Arjuna , when Arjuna completely surrenders to Krishna in despair and his mind was ready to accept the teachings of Lord Krishna) alone is enough for one to reach the heights of Glory, happiness, peace , success. Name it and you get it.
Wish you and your family
and well-wishers a Great, Happy and Successful year 2022.
Love Thyself:
First step towards success and happiness is
self love. Realize that each one of us is unique and outcome of millions of decisions
and actions made in this life and past lives. Our virtues and defects are the result
of millions of such causes over millions of years ( Coal or Diamond). Worrying about
them is not required and no way helps . Give value to yourself and take care of
health and physical wellbeing.
Act Now
Course correction is always possible. Start today.
Today is the first day of rest of our life. What ever you want to do, start
now. Don’t think I should have done this, that and all. Nothing is lost. It is
a journey. Take the new path today if you view that you were on wrong
direction. Think what you need and start working. Nothing is impossible for human
being as we are God or God is in us. Let your thoughts, words and acts be in alignment.
This is the only requirement for success and happiness.
Learn Detachment:
Learn to be detached from the
sensual pleasures. Krishna in Ghagavad Gita chapter 2 says , when you
contemplate on the sensual pleasures, you develop attachment to them and desire
arises . Desire leads to anger when unfulfilled. Anger clouds your judgement
and that leads to bewilderment of memory. This further leads to destruction of intellect
which finally ruins you. You will lose power of discrimination and commit sin
or irrational acts. While enjoying the pleasures of the senses, keep in mind
not to associate you with them. You are not the senses, not the mind, not the
intellect, you are pure consciousness is what Krishna teaches. Keep detached
from all these and control and guide all these.
Don’t desire for that which doesn’t belong to you:
We have come to this life empty
handed and also leave empty handed. Take whatever you deserve. Don’t take or desire others wealth. Learn to
Give. It is said whatever you have donated is in the form of good deeds stays with
you and whatever kept accumulated will go to others later. Be charitable. Ishavasya
Upanishad says that this whole world belongs to God and he is there in all
these. Whatever he has given us we have to eat and not long for others wealth. This
is the only way for happy life. ( Ishaa vaasyam-idam sarvam, yatkincha jagatyaam jagat , tena tyaktena bhunjeethaa, maa gridhah kasya svid-dhanam)
Treat every one the way you want to be treated by
Love and care for every living
thing in this world is the way for happiness and success. Never abuse any one
whatever be the situation. If some one is abusive , keep away from him. He will
suffer for his bad deeds, let’s not be party to that by abusing in return. Always
radiate love and care and same will come back to you in abundance. All living
beings are source of joy and well being. Value them and be benefited. This is
law of attraction. You attract whatever you think and act.
Be Thankful for everything every day:
Identify all the blessings we
have and be thankful for that. That makes you aware of all your positives and
blessings which you have to further build on. This shows how fortunate we are.This
will bring happiness and peace in you and removes all the worries. Thank God
for all that he has given us.
Examine your thoughts constantly:
Watch your thoughts. It is not the
situation that is making you unhappy. It is our perception, way of looking at
the situation that makes all the difference. Never think about any situation as
it should not have been this way. This way is the fact of life at this moment.
This can always be changed. Change your thinking about the situation and
understand no point in brooding over the situation and only think what can be
done to reach a stage or situation where you want to be . Act on that. Your
subconscious mind has enormous power and brings your thoughts and beliefs, good
or bad , into reality . It doesn’t discriminate. Just makes your thoughts come
true. An “Asthu” devatha blessing
constantly as yes to your wishes. Have good thoughts and you will attract all goodness,
happiness and success.
Ancient Indians have identified
six inner enemies which are the cause of
all our failures, ill-health, unhappiness and misery. kama (desire), krodha
(anger), lobha (greed), Mada (arrogance), moha (delusion), and matsarya
(jealousy). These are called as Ari Shadwarga. Winning them through any or combination of the yogas , Karma yoga,
Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga is taught by Upanishads and Gita.
Lead us from unreal to real , Darkness to Light, death to immortality. ( Bruhadaranyaka Upanishad)
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