Way of life  for Happy , healthy life / Retired Life

I was attending Sneha Milana program of Canara bank retirees Association at Bangalore on Karnataka Rajyotsava day. Shri.Rohit Chakratirtha , noted writer, was the chief guest. Delivering his talk on "How to lead happy retired life" , he rightly mentioned that he being a young person,  it is like a unmarried person explaining how to give birth to a baby  to one who has already given birth to ten children. He with all humility mentioned that he will explain his thought process and what scriptures , life stories of others show us the way.

The essence of  his discussion was around life stories of a few late achievers. He mentioned about a survey conducted on On those nearing their end , where 99% expressed dissatisfaction about the life they led and mentioned they did not find or achieve purpose in life. Then he went on explaining the achievers who achieved great success after 60. A person , at the age of 90, having lost   everyone near and dear wanted to find purpose of life and started running and at the age of 97 ran Marathan ( 40 km).  Another built his business empire in food business at the age of 80. 

Our scriptures mention about four Ashramas( stages of life) , Brahmacharya, Gruhastha, Vana prastha, Sanyasa. First 25 years learning phase preparing for life, next 25 earning and saving  phase, next 25 years giving back phase and last 25 preparing for leaving this world and moving to next life or Mosksha ( rebirthless state) . In this process, by the time we retire , we have completed our responsibilities and engage in giving and have nothing to lose. The very fact that we have not brought anything while coming to this life and not taking anything material while leaving , there is nothing to worry about losing material things. 

Isha upanishad gives us guidance on happy life. It says "undertaking worldly activities you should live hundred years, there is no other way for you". This is what later Lord Krishna explained in more detail in Bhagavad Gita , in the form of Karma yoga. Keep doing your duty without bothering about end result. Result will follow the activity , you will enjoy/suffer fruits of your karma , hence worrying will not bring success , keep doing what you consider as your Dharma/Karma, purpose .

This reminded me of Adi shankara's  "Nirvana Shatakam" explaining who we are , not this body, mind, pancha bhootas, panchendriyas, pancha koshas/pranas and we are ever happy, Shiva , i am shiva ( chidananada rupah shivoham). In the process he is explaining what is this physical form on this earth we are made of and way to happiness here is to take care of these physical elements , the Body, mind , intellect.

Yoga shartra , especially Ashtanga Yoga from Patanjali explains this in detail. The ways is Yama, NIyama are good habits and controls preparation , Asana and Pranayama are to keep body and mind healthy, next four limbs work on mind. This works on all the pranas ( pancha Koshas) through meditation and samadhi state. These are layered ways for happy healthy life. Any one limb also is enough if practiced meticulously and if all are combined, there is always bliss and health. 

Krishna mentions about other forms of Yoga's also as deferent ways for happy , blissful life, any one or combinations. Karma Yoga , as mentioned earlier keep working, Bhakti Yoga , complete dedication to a supreme power , jnana yoga through knowledge of self. We have answer in our ancient scriptures to all our all questions/challenges , in whichever stage of or state of life we are in. We are fortunate to have taken birth in such Karma Bhoomi/Dharma Bhoomi. lets make best use of this.

Practice Yoga , lead happy healthy life.



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