Happy Deepavali

Deepavali is a festival celebrated throughout the world though in different forms . worshipping Dhana Lakshmi praying fo0r prosperity. leading from darkness to light, killing the Asura ( evil spirit in us) are various achievements associated with this festival.

This brings us to the point of whether these are real events of  are they really of any use . when you ponder over this one thing becomes clear. All these rituals or beliefs are to strengthen the human spirit to purify itself of evil thoughts and bring positive thoughts and energy and spread it in the society. As proved scientifically also the human minds are interconnected and are always interacting through vibrations. These festivals bond the minds further and bring all-round positivity thus purifying the environment of evil thoughts and bad energy. 

Positive thoughts is the essence of happy life . man is what he thinks. Thoughts make the person. any happy or otherwise events or any creation is the outcome of the thought in the mind in first place and then created in the outer world.

let us always keep mind positive, never allow any negative thoughts to complete. break them and replace with positive thoughts of health , wealth , peace and confidence. 

let this deepavali bring us happiness, prosperity, safety and confidence and love. May Goddess Lakshmi bless us all with her choicest blessings.

This is the time ton start new ventures. let us all start regular exercise, meditation , pranayama , yoga  and create positive energy for us and every one. "Servey Janaha sukhino Bhavantu " , means let all be happy , is the hindu philosophy.


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