Birthday thought
Yes, Today I am
celebrating my birthday. 54 years of roller coaster ride.
received numerous messages of wishes from friends and am very happy that lot of
people love me and following message from a team I had never interacted before,
kindled my thought.
“May God
Gives you a long, healthy and self-satisfying life ahead.
May all your
unfulfilled desires come true on your special day.
Wishing you
a very glassful and joyous Birthday.”
meaningful, thought provoking message. I
was just pondering. I have completed 54 years. How I have spent the time? There
were sweet memories, bitter feelings, success, Failure, love, hatred, anger,
peace, abundance, poverty, cursing, and prayer.
all that is the matter of the past and today none of that is my part.
Everything has passed on. There was a time of lacs and lacs of earning in markets,
but shared nothing with others. There was a time; I had no means to buy a bun, no
bus fare for commuting to office. No help came from any dear,near, of course, I never
asked. Help was trickling from those who were also sailing in the same boat, earning
hardly enough to make the ends meet. They loved me, respected me. Why? I do not
know. They say respect me because , I am intelligent , I am able , I am kind ,
understanding . May be.
was questioning myself why this happened
to me? I never harmed any body , though
might not have done a great deal of service to the society. Some of them consoled me it is all movement
of planets, shaneeswara is in adverse position, Guru is not favourable, will
become all right later. Certain predictions came true, certain not.
of them told me you have great combination of stars /yoga , but small problem
is, all these planets are tied between Rahu and Ketu, which is delaying the
progress. Some said Shaneeswara , lord of your Raashi is “ Manda griha “ hance,
you will achieve slowly and whatever you want , you have to earn it by hard
work , not by luck.
went on . Today all that is memory/history. One of them who had taken me to
various holy places and shared with me whatever little he had, is no more now. I do not know whether he is
somewhere around as another life and he knows I remember him today. Taken some other body, joined the
almighty or with body losing electricity, nothing left beyond the dust or “pancha bhoothas “ ( Five elements). we do not know the truth , the reality. They
said sages knew truth and they preached truth . But different sages seen and
showed differently. One said I am part of God and after death will join back him.
To strengthen his hypothesis , he compared life and God to water in the ocean .
Ocean is whole . I am taken from that see in a cup. Then I am part of that
ocean water, carry same qualities and is whole and when poured back into see
will become one with the see. This is the relation between Atman and
Paramatman. Then another argued, no , it is arrogance to argue that I am God.
He is almighty and I am his creation and serve his purpose.
Sat Viprah Bahuda Vadanthi” Truth is
one but speritual seekers/gurus told it in different ways. May be , But what is
truth? Whatever I am seeing, I believe as truth. But then what is seeing? It is
nothing but one gadget called eye capturing the image and one more gadget
called brain interpreting it. Now it all happens through the program in the
brain. Changing this program can change entirely what we are seeing. Through red colour glass, whole world look
red. Lord Vishnu blessed Naradha and Tumbura to be seen as donkey and monkey by
Ambarisha’s daughter on their request. Vishnu , the program expert could have
done it by manipulating the program .
man , the universe around me what I am seeing and experiencing is purely based
on the interpretation done by my brain. That is how same
incident invokes different responses from different people. Then,
whatever we are seeing is real or not . Is it the interpretation of program in
our brain? There is nothing outside. Science says energy can neither be created
nor destroyed. Does it apply to world also? Whatever, we are seeing at micro
level is true at Macro level also. Whatever is happening in an atom is same as
is happening in the universe. All made of same ingredients in different
combinations. Thus, Rasa Vidya of creating gold was known to ancient
scientists, advanced from what current chemists are able to.
all shows us one thing. This world is a great mystery and beyond the
understanding of human beings. Being part of this universe or creation,
probably we cannot see what it is? Some sages called it “Maaya” . Are we the robots created by some
aliens , God and we are being played by him as programmed by them? Then can we
change the program itself to change our future state of actions, the self learning process. This question was haunting me from my
childhood days and I used to ask astrologers “whether Future is pre-determined?
If so where is the meaning for papa/punya ( good deed/Bad deed) and putting
efforts/struggling . Anything happens is because it is designed by the
programmer. Krishna declared in Bhagavat Gita “ Thena vina Thrina ma pi na
chalati “ He is the creator, he is the
creation. What does it mean? Is it one more juglary of language or one more
solace/argument to convince someone to do some action” Forcing Arjuna to Fight.
we are the programmed robots , probably intelligence is built in the program.
Self-learning happens and the learning continuous life after life that is role
after role . probably what they called “Manassu’ “ , “ Buddhi” and “Samskara” .
Processing happens in the Manassu , Results is the form of Buddhi and
the learning stored( intelligence ) is samskara . This samskara travels with
the program from body to body through some medium in the universe. It is believed and proved that our thoughts
are all over and around us in the form of waves and concentrated minds are
capable of attracting and capturing related thoughts /knowledge. That is how
great inventions have happened and enlightenment happens in sleep and deep
my college days, I use to argue in favour of love . I use to argue in favour of
lord Shiva over Vishnu , though Vishnu is the one shown as intelligent and was
successfully managing all DEVA-DANAVA and other conflicts. Shiva is symbol of love. Love or disappointment of not having the love
of the loved person ( in whatever form)
or the pain of the loved one hurting us all this I use to argue as
enjoyment and not real pain. Love is such a deep feeling /powerful feeling, the
pain coming out of it is also enjoyment. That is the reason youngsters do all
kind of sacrifices/pain in the pursuit of love. Detachment is best form of
happiness which is Vishnu and attachment
brings pain and misery is shiva. Probably my immaturity or for that
matter most of us , prefer attachments and pain , else life becomes boring.
This is where the concept of Samadhi, Meditation was brought in by vedic
scholars and spiritual seekers. Keep your mind in silence. Still your mind. You
will be beyond happiness and sorrow. Thoughtless state is real bliss. This is
what modern day “Siddhi Samadhi Yoga “ “ Raja Yoga” preaches.
is and always I also had that this kind of detachment will make us unattached
and there will not be feelings like love , life will become boring and also
difficult . Family life (selfless, whole hearted support to one another in
difficulty) will not be there. Probably, again this is the lack of proper understanding.
This is where Karma yoga preaches, keep doing your duty, don’t worry about results . Beautiful concept. “ Karmam Kuru “ . Krishna says “ you cannot
remain even for a minute without doing Karma” . This you will realize when you
look at macro picture, the sun , the planets, the stars , the particles of atom
all are continuously and constantly working. Never stops. So also
micro level , human being , you must keep working. But , once you are in deep meditation and
withdraw your senses from outside world , you have stilled your mind. Probably
it is where you get out of this karma cycle and become one with God? Is it
possible? NO idea?
question I asked earlier still remains unanswered? Can we determine our future
or rather whether Future is in our hands? As we have no answer to this what is
the way for us to be happy? Worry free?
Tell yourself when faced with pain or worry “Heavens are not going to fall” . “This also
we know that nothing is in our hands, all of us are one day leaving this body
and all our actions are guided by some program installed in us by some external
force and we are just playing the role assigned to us by this programmer, there
is no reason for worry, fear, anger etc., You will always be happy.
is the place of worship, homa , Guru blessings in the scheme of things that we
discussed. How will we justify these? Does this work like a virus guard, fire
wall protecting our mind from attack of sorrow, pain from external? Strengthens
the mind to keep it cool. Again could be
balancing against other programs. Any way we may not be able to realise the
truth. So , whatever way to keep ourselves happy is happiness and achievement. Probably all these minds are interlinked and
as a result programs running in others minds may also have influence on result
of our program. This is project of some one. This is where the concept of
Master mind preached by modern day psychologists and leadership gurus. Close
co-ordination of minds producing enormous positive results.
us keep our cool, let us be happy, let us not fight, crib or be unhappy. Sarvey
Janah Sukhino Bhavantu. Positive waves from our mind generate positive waves
from other minds about whom our mind is generating positive vibes and helps
both by uniting the energy. Let us love
the world, let us do our duty. Lets not worry about anything, but work on that.
This is the way to real happy living and leaving.
you all the very best and God bless you.
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