Beggars under God's grace:

Many times I wonder why do we fight for name , fame, money and develop hatred etc., This will only spoil our peace of mind and health. We have come to this world empty handed. Whatever , we have today is the gift of almighty or whatever name you call that force. WE are not going to take anything with us while leaving this world. Even billionaire goes naked.

That is where the basic understanding of who we are ? why are we here? where re we going and why ? arises.
There can not be confirmed answers with evidence. Preachers give examples like how you recognize your mother as mother because people around you have told you like that same way you have to believe  in God. But , then , for human beings endowed with logical thinking , it is not that easy to blindly believe that there is God and he is taking care of us. But, then , we have no ability to find out also.
It is where human being accepted God as our father . when you thing like that , it becomes easy to respect God. We know he does only good for us because he loves us and he created us. Then , he is almighty, poorna and omnipotent , Omni present. he doesn't need anything from anybody because he is always happy ( Nitya Trupta, Nityananda). Then why you should worship him ?

A friend of mine was telling me , it is like parents expecting love from children, God expects love from us. nothing else. You remember him, love him, he will give all to you. Yes , we cannot find out God's existence or otherwise as that is beyond our sense's power. we are limited and cannot experience the full unlimited. then as it is said , we are replica /part of that whole. Then our quality is also whole, tranquility , peace. Let us not forget this. This is called MAYA whose veil is preventing us from understanding the truth.
Let us love our father and have faith in him, surrender in him like Arjuna before Lord Krishna and you will get solution to all your problems. No problem will remain a problem.

"Poornamadam, Poornamidam, Poornashyaa poornamadaya Poornamevavashshate " shows the godliness of man. let us understand , we are God. remember that always and we will live in bliss.
May Goddess DURGA bless us all .


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