Common Man and Yoga
Yoga and Me It is fashionable these days to mention the phrase/word “ Yoga “. However, how many of such people are really getting benefitted from yoga is a question. Yoga means different for different people. For some it is practicing Asanas( postures). For some, it is breathing practices, yet for some it is Meditation ( sitting in silence). There are yogas mentioned in Bhagavad gita and in Hindu writings categorizing and describing Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga , Raja Yoga etc., Then there is Ashtanga Yoga from Patanjali Maharshi , a holistic approach for life through this Yoga. Yoga is also explained with the word meaning like Yoga means Union , Union of two elements , Atman and Paramatman, i.e Human and God. That is Union of our inner with the outer world, removing duality. It is my belief that our mind is part of the universal mind and has connected to that. Depending upon our switched frequency we broadcast and receive signals. All these are Yoga and all h...