
Showing posts from March, 2016

Birthday thought

Yes, Today I am celebrating my birthday. 54 years of roller coaster ride. I received numerous messages of wishes from friends and am very happy that lot of people love me and following message from a team I had never interacted before, kindled my thought. “May God Gives you a long, healthy and self-satisfying life ahead. May all your unfulfilled desires come true on your special day. Wishing you a very glassful and joyous Birthday.” Beautiful, meaningful, thought provoking message.  I was just pondering. I have completed 54 years. How I have spent the time? There were sweet memories, bitter feelings, success, Failure, love, hatred, anger, peace, abundance, poverty, cursing, and prayer. But all that is the matter of the past and today none of that is my part. Everything has passed on. There was a time of lacs and lacs of earning in markets, but shared nothing with others. There was a time; I had no means to buy a bun, no bus fare for commuting to office.  ...